Student-Athlete Affairs

The Mercer University Athletic Department offers a comprehensive academic support program, Student-Athlete Affairs, to all new student-athletes (freshmen/transfers) and returning students who are in need of academic support. Students are provided with an individual support program that may feature all or some of the following, depending on need:

  • Individual meetings with advisor
  • One-on-one meetings with academic mentor
  • Peer tutoring sessions
  • Required study table hours

Students typically meet with their assigned academic advisor at least once per week. The advisor will review the academic progress of the student, plan tutoring sessions, determine class status, and evaluate the student’s progress. Additionally, some students also meet weekly or biweekly with an academic mentor to further develop specific areas of concern within their academic progress.

New students are also required to partake in a College Study Skills course (LSK) during their first year at Mercer University. The focal point of the course is to introduce the student-athlete to appropriate learning skills and behaviors concentrating on academics, athletics, personal development, career development, and community.

If you, a student-athlete, have any problems, questions, or concerns during your experience at Mercer, do not hesitate to talk to:

Delaney Ryan
Director of Student-Athlete Support Services
(478) 301-2963

