Online Math Lab

The Online Math Lab is staffed by professional tutors who will assist with math tutoring for the College of Professional Advancement undergraduate courses and other general math questions submitted by Regional Academic Center and Atlanta campus students. Specifically, tutors can assist with algebra, linear algebra, precalculus, calculus I and II, functions and graphs, proofs, and introductory statistics

Appointments are not required. The Online Math Lab is accessible through the Canvas course management system. To obtain access to the service, students must self-enroll in the Online Math Lab section in Canvas (self-enroll instructions are provided below). Successfully registered students will find the Online Math Lab course listed among their other registered courses. Canvas allows students to communicate with the tutor within a secure, password-protected system.

The Online Math Lab hours are:

  • Sunday, 7:00-9:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

**Students can self-enroll in the Online Math Lab by clicking HERE.**

Online Math Lab Frequently Asked Questions

Note: If you require assistance with your username and password, please contact the Mercer IT Help Desk at, or by phone at 478-301-2922, or at 478-301-7000 after hours.

How do I register for the Online Math Lab?

The Online Math Lab is a self-enroll course on Canvas. To gain access to this service, you will need to register once on the Mercer University Canvas site.

Click here for printable, step-by-step instructions that include screen shots.

How do I join an Online Math Lab tutoring session?

Click here for printable, step-by-step instructions that include screen shots.

What should I do if I don’t know my Mercer University ID (MUID)?

Contact the Mercer IT Help Desk at, or by phone at 478-301-2922, or at 478-301-7000 after hours.

What should I do if I don’t know my password or if my password does not work?

Contact the Mercer IT Help Desk at, or by phone at 478-301-2922, or at 478-301-7000 after hours.

Additional questions? 

Please contact the Academic Resource Center at or 478-301-2669.